Simple SOAP client and simple server via flask


To get current oil price in Thailand via SOAP and response in JSON format. SOAP Server URL for this scirpt:


  • Python 3.4
  • flask
  • flask-cors
  • suds-jurko
  • xmltodict

This script is located in


from flask import Flask
from flask import request, jsonify
from flask.ext.cors import CORS
from suds.client import Client
import xmltodict

app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app)

@app.route("/apis/get-oil-price" , methods=['POST'])
def get_oil_price():
	# Get variable from http POST
	date_string = str(request.form['date'])
	date_string = date_string.split('-')
	day = date_string[2]
	month = date_string[1]
	year = date_string[0]
	# Get SOAP Service via suds
	url = ''
	client = Client(url)
	# Execute GetOilPrice method of SOAP
	xml = client.service.GetOilPrice("EN", day, month, year)
	# Convert XML to dict
	res_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml)
	result = {}
	result['result'] = res_dict['PTT_DS']['DataAccess']
	# Convert dict to JSON
	return jsonify(**result)

@app.route("/apis/current-oil-price" , methods=['GET'])
def oil_current_price():
	# Get SOAP Service via suds
	url = ''
	client = Client(url)
	# Execute CurrentOilPrice method of SOAP
	xml = client.service.CurrentOilPrice("EN")
	# Convert XML to dict
	res_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml)
	result = {}
	result['result'] = res_dict['PTT_DS']['DataAccess']
	# Convert dict to JSON
	return jsonify(**result)

if __name__ == "__main__":'')