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How to setup this blog?


I'm following botbotbot 's blog to setup this blog. Some contents of this post is original from him.

"This blog created by Jekyll that is ruby scripts to transforms plain text into static html website and blogs and hosted on Github Page that free hosting support Jekyll.This blog use Lanyon theme that based on Poole a minimal style of Jekyll." botbotbot said.

All of below steps are same as botbotbot 's blog, but I have used Hyde theme intead.

Set up github page:

  1. Follow setup guilde of Github page for more information about jekyll on github look at

  2. Clone project from Hyde.

    git clone https://github.com/poole/hyde.git
  3. Configs jekyll in _config.yml.

    # Setup
    title:            Mildronize's blog
    tagline:          'mildronize-blog'
    description:      'My dev blog'
    url:              http://mildronize.github.io
    baseurl:          /
    paginate:         5
  4. Make tags.md in root directory copy code from

  5. Let blog it.

Next Step


If you got the message from jekyll build(or serve) Liquid Exception: Failed to get header., try to check your python version that is python 2.7.

See full instruction from http://akenn.org/blog/Liquid-Exception-Jekyll/

Git, GitHub, and GitHub Pages

